My learning so far this semester has been fast and furious,
so many things going on and so little time to do them. Like last semseters class at Tibbets this semesters class at Apache
has been good so far. I'm enjoying working hands on with the students it's always better than sitting in class.
Working with different personalities is always a learning experience. Both of the students that I'm working with are
pretty confident. During a previous session one student was having bad day and did not want to do any work. I tried
several tactics to try and coax some work out but nothing worked. When we went back to the class I discussed this with the
teacher and she explained to me the circumstances so I felt better. The following week the students was back to normal,
asking for some help and wanting to talk. I think we are all getting more comfortable with each other. This comfort level
helps not only my confidence but the students confidence as well. I'm getting a little more comfortable with the skills and
strategies we are trying to accomplish with the students but again, I think the comfort level is really helping.My group
is communicating on a more open and comfortable level with each other. The knowledge I am gaining through this course
grows with every class meeting at Animas. Every meeting with the students offers new experiences. I know that the
writing project is the focus of this experience but for me I'm learning what a diverse learning environment in the
class really is, even with just my two students. Prior and emerging experience is constantly growing. Before this
class Tibbets was one of the first long term hands on experiences I had working with students. Now Tibbets is prior
experience that has been built on with the experience I am gaining at Apache. These ever growing and changing experiences
allow me to gain some understandning of how and what I can do to help develop new knowledge and skills. Thinking
about what I have done so far at Apache has been a constant learning process. I have to think longer about my
own bias and prejudices before i can put more into my response. Stepping back and thinking about situations so far at Apache
I'm not sure enough has happened yet for me to give an appropriate response.
I think the plan at Apache is going well so far.The concern I
have is the amount of time we have to work with the students on the writing project, time is flying by. I think that it's
all going to work out though. I wish some of my classmates would just try to relax, learn and enjoy the process,
we are gaing experience not just trying to complete a project.